Demos (U.S. think tank)

Demos: A Network for Ideas & Action
Formation 2000
Headquarters New York, NY

Demos is a United States-based research and policy center that was founded in 2000. Based on its widely cited work in the media and growing impact on national and state policy, Demos continues to influence North American debate about election reform and economic security, with a particular emphasis on the development of a broad, stable future middle class in the United States.[1] More recently, it has branched into environmental and international issues.

According to their website, Demos maintains a non-partisan role in their policy change and reform work to revitalize American democracy. These efforts include opening up the electoral process to encourage high voter turnout, addressing financial instability in American households, engaging a public dialogue on ethics and values related to democracy and the economy, developing a shared national vision of effective government, and promoting responsible U.S. engagement in the world.



Demos is a non-partisan public policy research and advocacy organization focused on fostering a vibrant and inclusive democracy, an equitable economy, a public sector empowered to act for the common good, and responsible U.S. engagement in the world. It is distinguished by its research and advocacy at Federal and State levels. Demos is named after the Greek word meaning “the people” and is the root for the word “Democracy”, the think tank’s focal point.


In the late 1990s, Demos was conceptualized by Charles Halpern, President of the Nathan Cummings Foundation (1989-2000). Halpern wanted to create a counter-argument to the growing influence of the many right-wing think tanks and establish a multi-issue organization that would focus on progressive policy development and advocacy. David Callahan, a Fellow at the Century Foundation, and Stephen Heintz, Vice-President of the EastWest Institute, joined Halpern in helping to found Demos. Founding Board members included Arnie Miller, of Isaccson Miller, an executive search firm; David Skaggs, a Colorado Congressman; and Barack Obama, an Illinois State Senator.

In March 2000, Demos opened its first office in New York with Stephen Heintz as President. In this first year, Demos’ work focused on two issues: (1) economic inequities in America and the growing prosperity gap and (2) increasing civic participation and developing a more inclusive democracy. These two areas continue to be a large part of Demos’ core work. Demos’ work became especially relevant after the 2000 Presidential Election’s voter complications increased concern about the efficacy America’s election systems.

In 2001, Stephen Heintz stepped down and was replaced by Miles Rapoport, Connecticut legislator (1985-94) and Secretary of State (1995-98) with a background in social-change advocacy and community-building.


According to their website,[2] Demos currently has five programs: Democracy, Economic Opportunity, Public Works, International, and Fellows. It is affiliated with: the Building Movement Project, Business for Shared Prosperity, and

Democracy Program

The Democracy Program is Demos’ oldest. It works to strengthen democracy in America through research focused on encouraging civic participation and reducing barriers for voter participation. The program builds on Demos’ core belief that inclusive and active citizen participation is necessary for a strong democracy. Much of their work is focused on securing full implementation of Section 7 of the National Voting Rights Act (NVRA), which mandates that public assistance agencies provide voter registration services, as well as support for state-based campaigns to establish Election Day Registration policies.

Economic Opportunity Program

The Economic Opportunity Program focuses on research and policy ideas to provide new opportunities for low-income families, people of color, and young adults to achieve economic security. The program’s work includes reports on regulation, household debt, and policies aimed to help community college students complete their degrees.

Public Works Program

The Public Works Program is designed to create awareness and understanding of government as a collaborative effort that can work for the common good. It helps advocates, policymakers, and community leaders to re-envision the purpose and function of U.S. public systems and structures and how they work within their communities. It commissions research and provides training, consultation, and workshops.

International Program

The International Program works with Demos non-governmental organization (NGO) affiliates CivWorld and U.S. in the World and aims to expand Demos’ mission and ideals to an international setting. The program works towards ensuring that all people worldwide benefit from free markets and trade and have a strong voice within their societies. The International Program also does work on immigrant issues in and outside the U.S.

Fellows Program

The Demos Fellows Program supports scholars and writers whose work aligns with Demos’ mission and values. There are three categories—Distinguished Senior Fellow, Senior Fellow, Fellow—as well as the Harvard Law School Sheldon Seevak Fellow.

Major Successes

Credit Card Regulation

For many years, the Economic Opportunity Program has worked on the issue of credit card debt among low-income households and is considered a pioneer in this field of research. The Federal Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009 (CARD) was signed into law May 22, 2009, partly as a result of their efforts.

Voter Registration of Low-Income Citizens

The Democracy Program has worked to improve States' compliance with the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), focusing mainly on expanding voter registration opportunities at social service agencies for low income voters. Recently, Demos was part of a settlement in a lawsuit, filed in 2005, alleging Ohio Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell, Governor Bob Taft, and their predecessors failed to protect the fundamental rights of eligible Ohio voters to cast a meaningful ballot, as required by the Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.[3] This settlement is binding and requires the State to provide for uniformity and consistency in Ohio election procedures so that the opportunity to vote can be enjoyed equally by all Ohio citizens.[3]


Board of Trustees

Senior Staff

See also


  1. ^ "Demos About Page". Retrieved 17 March 2011. 
  2. ^
  3. ^ a b Rosenfeld, David (8 November 2011). "Righting the Voting Income Gap". Miller-McCune. Retrieved 14 November 2011. 

External links